Every moment is an exchange between us and life.Where you place your attention is an investment that brings you towards or away from what youwant to create and is ultimately expressing and creating who you are in the outside. This week, we stalk what is truly part of...
Everything is energy and within the cosmic, energetic soup, there is a landscape that is you: a physical, emotional, mental & spiritual landscape within relational, cultural, historical & collective landscapes. At the center of it all? YOU, moderated by your...
Welcome, dear one. You moved through the portal of your investment to find yourself here in a sacred space.Within this container, you will come in contact with yourself at levels deeper than before. You will liberate yourself from the prisons of your own making. As...
The initation meditation Use this one whenever you’re going through a “portal” like making a big investment or a big commitment. The Initiation meditation by Inge Broer | Soft & True...
Self-love is contagious Why is self-love contagious? I think this quote sums it up beautifully: “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you” – Rupi Kaur Does that ring true to you? Think of the people in your life who seem to be...