
Energy Healing Toolkit – Online Version


Become fluent in the language of energy and approach your healing work with more discernment, awareness, presence and potency. This course is constructed to provide you with not only the tools and the knowledge of when to use them (through self-guided video lessons + meditation recordings), but also ample practice time (through weekly workshop sessions). You will receive and guide healing sessions. If you feel the call to becoming an energy healer, these tools are indispensable. No prior experience is necessary. Your willingness is more than enough.

We will explore the magic of energy space and guiding visualization, powerful healing space holding through deep listening, how to use your intuition in your healing sessions AND in making your intentions come true, alignment (& the healing of your inner child/goddess/god), keeping your energy clean & clear so you can be the best healing channel (including boundary healing and cord cutting) & more hands-on healing techniques. As far as I know this bundle of healing skills is offered nowhere else.

How to register:

 1. Enter your name and e-mail below.
Because this is a small group program, I will be forming groups regularly. Once you enter your name and e-mail, you will be taken to a questionnaire


2. Fill out the questionnaire. When I receive it, I will get back to you as soon as possible to give you an update on probable workshop times. When the time is set, you will be invited to3. Complete your payment$333 tax included. If you’d like to register via e-transfer, this is an option.Si vous êtes intéressé par ce cours en français, dites-moi le, je peux peut-être organiser des groupes francophones. Le cours est aussi disponible en format individuel: 6 rencontres de 90-minutes. $795 taxes incluses. Contactez moi à info@ingebroer.com pour vous enregistrer. This course is available in a one-on-one format: 6 meetings of 90-minutes. $795 tax included. Get in touch at info@ingebroer.com to register. Online as well.

The program: 

Week 1 – Entering Energy Space with Visualization Energy Space is where we hack into your subconscious mind and can make “magic” happen. Learn how to go there and how to make changes there, for yourself and potential clients. Week 2 – Powerful Space Holding through Deep Listening Learn to listen not only to what someone is saying but also to the energy behind it and their genius behind that. Week 3 – Intuition Boost Become adept at letting your intuition guide you in your healing sessions and in the work of art that is your life.Week 4 – Alignment through Parts Work. Get all of yourself aligned behind your intentions and heal your inner child, inner feminine & masculine and help your clients do the same.Week 5 –  Keeping your Energy Clean  & Clear through working with your Boundaries, Calling Your Power Back & Cord Cutting  Become sovereign in your energy space and help your clients do the same.Week 6 – Heart Unwinding + Chakra-by-Chakra Connection. Develop new non-verbal tools to use during an energy session.These are the tools I get the absolute most results with in my work with my clients. If you are a (budding OR experienced) healer of any kind (Reiki, Tarot, Osteopath, Nurse, Psychotherapist, Coach), these tools will prove invaluable to your work, whether you use them outright or not. Beginners are welcome. What’s needed here is your willingness, the rest will be provided for you to learn.   


Sign-up here to get access to a simple questionnaire that will help you receive the best Energy Healing experience and personalized curriculum.